About Us

Independent Guide dedicated to providing comprehensive news and updates on Technology.

The question about what Techcareguide offers to visitors is fully answered here. 

Our agenda is to help people solve their problems and challenges in the are of New  Technology devices and how to use them effectively and efficiently.

For this reason, we focus on only technological content. As a result, we provide very educative and exiting content about phones, television, computers, etc.

Certainly,  Techcareguide believes that you should understand how your device works.  For instance, we provide comprehensive information on how to use your Phone, Television, Computer, etc.

Surely, you can find further details of our services below.


What Services Do We Offer To Our Visitors?

  • We provide information on electronic gadgets and how to use them.
  • We inform you about new phone, TV, and Computers that meet your needs in the modern world.
  • Also we provide you video tutorials on how to solve problems about your phone, TV, and Laptops.

How To Sigh-Up To Receive Notification On Our New Articles And Updates

  • There is a subscription notification when you open a page for the first on our website. Thus, you can subscribe you our site by clicking on the Notification  button.
  • As a result, you will receive notification on new contents and updates on our site to keep you informed.
  • Also you can comment on any of our articles and we will gladly respond to you in due time as soon as possible. It also allows you to interact with our seasoned specialists who are ever ready to assist you online and offline with your various ICT needs.



Before you take any action on any information provided on our website, please read our disclaimer, privacy policy and cookies policy  and be very certain about it. Surely, we wish you all the best of experience on our site.

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Great members of the Educareguide Editorial Team.

Ridge Boison


Catherine Robertson

Managing Editor

Ellen Maison

Senior Editor

Frank Edwards


Roberta Hills



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Western Brooks

Director of Events

Marron Davidson

Event Manager

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